

Be Sealed with the gift of the holy spirit.

The Sacrament of Confirmation

Being confirmed in the Lord gives us the commission to go out to all the world with wisdom, understanding, counsel, courage, knowledge, piety, and awe of God. This sacrament is received only once, but takes a lifetime to stir into flame.

For Students and Young Adults

The Parish offers the sacrament of Confirmation once a year in the Spring for students of our Catholic School or who have actively participated in PSR for the entire school year leading up to the sacrament. Currently, this is around 8th grade.

The formation includes:

  • Catechesis on the Sacrament
  • Selection of a Sponsor
  • Service Hours
  • Parent-Student Meeting
  • Confirmation Retreat
  • Reception of the Sacrament

The Bishop or the Bishop’s delegate confers the sacrament.

For Adults

The Parish offers the sacrament of Confirmation once a year at the Easter Vigil mass for those who have actively participated for the entire year in the OCIA program.

The formation includes:

  • Collection of previous sacramental records
  • Catechesis on Christian Initiation and Catholicism
  • Selection of a Sponsor
  • Liturgical Rites at each step of the process
  • Easter Vigil Practice
  • Reception of the Sacrament

The sacrament is conferred by the Pastor or Associate Pastor with the permission of the Bishop.

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