

Guidelines for Submitting Bulletin Information 

HOW TO SUBMIT: Please submit bulletin information and Mass announcements using the Request Form located at the parish office. You may also stop by the church office during regular business hours and complete a form. Request Forms will be accepted electronically, through the parish website or by email, however we WILL NOT accept any announcements over the telephone, to avoid any miscommunication of your information.

DEADLINE: To ensure that there is room in the bulletin for your announcement, we would encourage you to submit your request as far in advance of your event as possible. The deadline for submitting bulletin requests (or changes to running announcements) is 12:00 noon on Friday the week prior to your announcement date / 9 days prior to the bulletin publish date.

*Please note that holiday submission deadlines may require adjusted timelines, often necessitating earlier submission dates. To ensure timely processing, please check the bulletin or with the parish office for specific deadline information during the holiday periods.

INCLUSION: All requests are carefully reviewed before publication. We reserve the right to edit announcements for length and content, as needed. Due to the high volume of submissions throughout the year, please note the following:

·        The duration of your announcement may be shortened based on space availability.

·        Verbal announcements are at the discretion of the Pastor and leadership team. If you would like your announcement to be considered for inclusion in verbal announcements at the end of the weekend Masses, please clearly indicate this on your submission form.

Important Reminder: All events must be approved and booked on the church calendar BEFORE submitting an announcement request. Events not on the Church calendar will not be announced.

BULLETIN INSERTS: We do not design or produce flyers or inserts.

DURATION OF ANNOUNCEMENTS: Be sure to include the requested date(s) for your information or announcement to be included in the bulletin. Requesting announcements to run for more than three consecutive weeks must be approved by the leadership team.  Larger events must be approved by Parish Council and should be published three weeks in advance of your event to ensure maximum exposure to the parish.

OUTSIDE EVENTS: We generally do not advertise events sponsored by outside organizations unless pre-approved by the leadership team.

We hope the above information helps as you plan communications to the parish. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. If you have any further questions about these guidelines-please call the parish office at (614) 891-0150 or email

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